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We understand that finding your favourite jewellery item could be an exhausting task. You can spend hours and hours browsing through endless websites on the Internet and find absolutely nothing that attracts your attention.

Well, on our website it need not be this way. With our intuitive product navigation you are well equipped for the quality shopping experience. Slice and dice our unique product range whichever way you like it and zoom in on that lovely piece you were just looking for !

Our search is powerful and yet easy to use.

Right from the home page you can see the product navigation menu on the left-hand side of the page. You may click on any of the top level menu items or any of the submenu items to display a relevant list of products. Your current selection is always shown on top of the page, where it sais: "last search". Once You've made the first selection You can add more parameters from any of the drop-down menus right under the "last search" bar to narrow down your search. Adding more parameters will be reflected on this bar and You may remove any parameter individually by clicking on the cross icon (X) next it.

To give You an example, You may start by clicking on "Brooches" on the left menu which will give you the list of all brooches currently on sale, then you can select "black" from the colour drop-down menu, which will give you the list of all black brooches or brooches with black colour elements on them. You should see words "brooches", "black" on the "last search" bar. From here you could simplify the search by removing "brooches" parameter which will now give you the list of all black jewellery on our website or make more complex by selecting "gold" from the "metal finish" drop-down menu which will give you the list of all black brooches with gold metal finish on them.

This is just one possible scenario and You certainly are most welcome to choose other combinations.

Have fun with our product searches, but be carefull - it might be addictive!

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